Caribbean Contesting Consortium

PJ2T Station Home Pagex

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K8NZ at Station # 1 in CQWW SSB 2001

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VERONA - The Curacao Ham Club

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(Click on photo for larger image.)

The PJ2T station is up and running now as a world-class contest station (click here for the master equipment inventory list). The construction of the towers and antenna system is essentially complete. Major construction took place in June/July of 2001, during which time our 6000 pound ocean shipment, which left Ohio on 21 April 2001, was transformed into two towers of 100 and 80 feet and many stacked monobanders. Click here for a photo of the 100 foot tower, with 2 el 40 at 107 feet, 5 el 20 at 95, 5 el 15 at 85, and 5 el 10 at 75. There is also a tribander fixed on South America at 45 feet. The US/JA tower is also complete -- click here for a photo. The links below will give you some idea of where we are now and where we plan to go. One of the key station concepts is to have as much gear as possible in place, thus avoiding bag drags and Customs problems and duties. Click here for the entire CCC photo library. Click here for a large (and beautiful) photo of the QTH as seen from the cliff northeast of the QTH. Click here for the "PJ2T Quick Operating Guide." Click here for driving directions to the station.

The PJ2T Station -- What's There | PJ2T Station Quick Overview | PJ2T Quick Operating Guide | PJ2T Station Layout and Antenna Switching Diagrams | Master Station Equipment Inventory and Status List | Signal Point West Bedroom Radio Inventory | Signal Point East Bedroom Radio Inventory | Fuses Inventory | Aerial Photos from K8ND | Aerial Photo | Lot Layout Diagram | Photo of All Three Towers (large file)Step Closet Contents | RX Antennas from Google Earth | PJ2T Antennas List, January 2014 | Driving Directions to the Station | Tree Pile Inventory | K3 Hardware Configurations - N7IR |
PJ2T Schedule of Operations | Schedule of Operations  |
Station Photos | PJ2T Antenna Farm | Aerial Photos from K8ND | Aerial Photo | Station #1 | Station # 2 | Station # 3 | Station # 4 | Coax Entry Bulkhead | PJ2T as Viewed from the Cliff | Marchena Hardware in Barber | Gas Station in Barber | Station # 2 with Paradise in Background | Generator | Generator Romex Entering Shack - Temporary | Beverage Antenna Construction Photos | Photo of All Three Towers (large file) | 160 RX Splitters | RAS 8x2 Box | HPS Bucking Transformer | Aerial Photo of PJ2T, 26 October 2010 by DL5RDO |
Operating Tips for the Station | PJ2T Quick Operating Guide | Generator Procedure | Writelog Notes | Telnet Sources | Audio Voice Keying with Writelog Setup | Westinghouse Air Conditioner Directions | Setting Up Writelog Networking for Contests at PJ2T | Switching in Antennas Using the Coax Switches | Internet Wireless Access Guide | RTTY Operating Preliminary Notes | Spotting Notes, K8ND, July 2016 | K3 Setup Guide (KB7Q) | Winkeyer Setup Guide (KB7Q) | Amps Setup Guide (KB7Q) | CW PTT and Amp Setup (KB7Q) | KB7Q N1MM+ Cheat Sheet September 2018 | N7IR Antenna Switching Tutorial | K3 SSB Setup Notes by KB7Q | WinKeyer Cabling and Parameters for CW Contesting | RTTY Setup at Station 1 |
Operating Goodies | Greyline Map | Realtime World MUF Map | Great Circle Map Tool | PJ2T Great Circle Map | PJ2T Great Circle Mao by K8ND | Real Time Earth from the Sun | PropagationCuracao Rules of Amateur Operation | Curacao Amateur Bands and Modes | K2KW's Notes on Single Op Strategy | Comments on PJ2X 160 Signal, Jan 2003 | Introduction to HF Radio Propagation | Tutorial on Transequatorial Radio Propagation | Region 2 IARU Band Plans 2008 | September 2009 CEPT Document | PJ2T Station Scoring History | K8ND Contest Resources | How to Set Up Multiple Writelog Bandmaps | Writelog RTTY Tutorials | Good List of Propagation References | W9NJY K3 User's Guide | K3 Recommended AGC Settings | CQWW Webinar Notes 6 October 2013 | ZS6EZ Mult Passing White Paper, November, 2015 |  KB7Q N1MM+ Quick Guide + Run screen shot + S&P screen shot | ARRL Log Upload Instructions November 2016 | Diversity Reception with K3s | KB7Q Remote Operation Guide | Telnet Filter Setup Guide |
Station Maintenance Issues and Items | PJ2T Progressive Maintenance Plan and Log | PJ2T Station Improvements Planned | Specific Trip Work PlansRotor Maintenance Notes10 Meter US/JA System Notes Vendor's StackMatch Troubleshooting Notes | Notes on CL-33 | PJ2T Fuses Required | Notes on COMPAQ Troubleshooting Nov 2005 | Yaesu FT-1000 Site | DSL and Ethernet Network Configuration Notes | PJ2T Outside Maintenance Plan | PJ2T 2006-07 Antenna Upgrade and Maintenance Plan | Anchor Shaft Tower Corrosion Site | Summary of Completed 2006-07 Antenna Rebuild Project | Ten-Tec Amps Parts Status | PJ2T Computer Setup Manual | Notes on GoDaddy Domain Change Oct 2010 | PJ2T Inside Maintenance Checklist | PC30-PC36 Writelog.ini Files | Antenna Scans November 2011 | Fuses Ordered Dec 2010 | Procedure to Free 40 Yagi Mast | Mosley Repair Article July 2015 QST | Mast Replacement Measurements and Procedure | Shipping Logistics Diagram, Mast Project, October 2016 | Invoice for Stainless U Bolts | Invoice for Aluminum Mast Tubing | Aero Solutions Leg Wrap | Vulcan Wire Brush Wheel Specification | Invoice for RG-8 Connectors (crimp) | K6AM 80 Vee Beam Tuneup Procedure | 3CX800A7 Test Results February 24, 2018 | How to Refurbish A-3S Traps | Winkeyer and N1MM Setup and Usage Notes - N7IR | K3 SSB Setup Notes from KB7Q | KB7Q Remote Station Setup Procedure | W9NJY Box Troubleshooting Guide | W8JI Source of AL-1200 Upgrade Boards | T/R Board Wiring Detail K8ND January 2023 | W8JI Instructions for AL-1200 T/R Board and Relay | Invoice for DX Engineering Tubing to Repair Bencher Skyhawk Broken 20 DE 2024 | Ridge Tribander Broken 20 Meter Driven Element Repair Diagram |
Engineering Notes | PJ2T Antenna System Design Notes | Europe 75 Wire Beam Notes | Notes on Telephone Interference | PJ2T Circuit Diagrams | TS-930 Repair Notes | Lot Layout Diagram | Knots Resource | W2VJN Coax Stubs Design Note | Boom Truss Assemblies | 15 Meter US/JA (Top) Yagi Design Notes | PJ2T TVI Components Sources | Piexx 940 Serial Interface Reference | Proposed SO2R Coax Cabling Design | Writelog SO2R Setup | KJ9Y Writelog Site | PJ2T W5XD MultiKeyer Wiring Draft | PJ2T Computer Network Design Notes | PJ2T Support Software | 160 Meter Design Notes and E-Mail Traffic | TS-930 Modifications Home Page | 10 Meter US Stack Feedline Calcs | RX Antenna Expansion Plan - Summer 2005 | AC Power Notes from W8WTS | A Ham's Guide to RFI, Ferrites... (K9YC) | PJ2T: Winkeyer Support | PJ2T Standard CW Keying Configuration | 10 Meter StackMatch Wiring Diagram | Ridge Antenna Feedline Schematic | W8WTS 160 DSL Filter | Ridge Transmission Line Loss Data | AC Power Measurements Dec 2009 | K8ND RX Antenna System - Present | K8ND RX Antenna System - Proposed | Astron Power Supplies Site | PJ2T CW Skimmer Design Notes (from K8ND) | Invoice for Shack Airco Watthour Meter | Watthour Meter Usage Guide - ELF 3234 | Station 1, 2, 3, 4 Wiring Block DIagrams | K6AM Transfer Relay Driver Schematic (1)  (2) | Voice Keying Diagram for Sound Card PCs | Order for Current Transformer for Shack Air Conditioner | Order for Watthour Meter for Shack Air Conditioner | Manual for Skack Airco Watthour Meter | DX Engineering 4-Square Realignment, November, 2012 | Ridge Remote Coax Switch - W9NJY | Bandmaster III Wiring Block Diagram - Station 1 | Work Sequences for September 2013 Project Trip | Internet Block Diagram (ASUS) | Design for 80 Meter Wire Beam Boom | PJ2T K3 Adapter Cable | AC Console Stepdown Transformer Wiring - November 2014 | Skimmer Handwritten Notes 2009 | Bulkhead Coax Stubs October 2015 | Original W0CG Hand-Drawn Antenna Switching Design, April, 2015 | Cable Bundle Colors on Floor: Desks to Bulkhead Wall | Notes on Ethernet Cables to Stations, Nov 2015 | Notes on Swap from Yaesu to K3 at Station 2, Nov 2015 | Hand Drawn Fuse Box Wall Dimensions | Notes from KB7Q on Remote Setup | Uli PTT Boxes Wiring Notes | FT-2000 to K3 Cabling Conversion Notes - Station 2 | N0AX Article of Optimizing Placement of Coax Stubs | PJ2T Antenna Switching System Programming Notes (N7IR) | Antenna Switching System Diagram | Remote Filter System Baseline SWRs | AL-1200 Schematic K6AM Reverse Engineered | AL-1200 Mods Page | Remote Station Y-Box Specs | Remote Station Y-Box Schematic (1) | Remote Station Y-Box Schematic (2) | Remote Station Bandpass Filters Schematic (N7IR) | Remote Station Bandpass Filters Wirelist (N7IR) | 10 Meter Stack 10 Meter Coax Harness Design (W0CG) | W9NJY Shack Box As Modified 2022 |
Manuals | LK-800 Manual | Ten-Tec Documentation | MFJ-259B | AL-1200 | T-2X | Ham IV | Ham III | 205-CA Yagi | FT-1000 | DX Doubler | Band Reject Stubs | W5XD Multi-Keyer | Alpha 87 Manual | HF-2V Vertical | Logikeyer Model K-1 | XM-510 Yagi | IC-765 | Astron RS-12 | Astron RS-20 | Astron RS-35 | KB8KBT Astron Instructions | Winkeyer Support | Titan 425 Manuals and Diagrams | RigBlaster Pro | RCS-4 Coax Switch | Top-Ten ABSS Switch Manual K6AM AL-1200 Schematic | CL-33 Manual | Bandmaster III | DSL MODEM June 2012 | Skimmer DX Engineering Active RX Antenna | LK-800 | Titan III | Bencher Skyhawk | W9NJY Remote Ridge Coax Switch | C-3E/H Tribander | C-3E/H Actual Assembly Diagram, BOM, and Invoice | MFJ ARB704 Amp PTT Keyer | DX Engineering FCC050 Feedline Current Choke | Autek WM-1 Computing Wattmeter | StackMatch User's Guide | MicroStack Boxes from DL8OBQ | New (2018) Hardline Connectors for Heliax | Tascam DR--05 Audio Recorder Manual |
Sound Files and Video | 1.8 MHz PJ2X as Copied at VE6WZ, January 2003 | PJ2/W9EFL on 14 October 2003, 14.166 | PJ2/DK3DM as Heard in JA, March 2005 | PJ2T 160 Signal at S50U, CQWW CW 2005 | K2DBK PJ2T Pileup Band Scope | PJ2T at JA0RUG, 14.126, 2110Z, October 10, 2010 | PJ2/K8ND 160 Meters @ ZL3IX 19 Nov 2010 0900Z | PJ2T on 160 in Washington State 24 Nov 11 | W0CG on 10 Meters ARRL SSB 2012 at W6EDD | CQ on 160 in JA | WD9DCW on YouTube | CQWW CW 2013 (1) | CQWW CW 2013 (2) | CQWW CW 2013 (3) | CQWW SSB 2002 |
History: Our Archive of "Old" Stuff | PJ2T 2001 Construction Timetable | PJ2T Interim Rohn Cost Estimates | June/July 2001 Construction Story | Photo Library | Packing List for April Shipment | Our Shipping Company | April 2001 Shipping Planning | Legacy PJ2T Equipment List | Original Master Plan for Antennas, Towers, and FeedlinesPJ2T CT Network (now obsolete) | WintelnetX Setup Parameters | PJ2T 10 Meters March 2012 |

(Magnetic variation in Curacao is 8.5 degrees W. The station is at 12 degrees N, 69 degrees W.)

Current Station Configuration

(Greyed out items are in the US for repair)

Europe Tower: 100 ft Rohn 55: 2 el 40 yagi at 105 (rotatable); 5 el 20 yagi at 95; fixed Eur; 5 el 15 yagi at 85, fixed Eur; 5 el 10 yagi at 75, fixed Eur; A-3S tribander at 45, fixed South America. Click here for photo.
US/JA Tower: 80 ft Rohn 45: 5 el six meter yagi at 85 ft; 3 el CL-33 tribander at 85 ft; rotatable; 5 el 205CAS at 67 ft fixed US/JA; 2 el 80 inverted vee wire beam; XM-510 at 58 ft fixed US/JA; XM-510 ar 36 ft fixed US/JA. Click here for photo of this tower.
WARC Tower: 54 ft aluminum: 30 inv vee at 50 ft, 12/17 dual bander AW3S at 55 ft
Other Antennas: 160 inv vee at 100 ft; 880 ft US/JA Beverage, 3 el 80 meter delta loop with top at 80 ft favoring Europe, 30 meter inv vee

Station 1: FT-1000MP, AL-1200 linear, W5XD Multikeyer, full switchable set of W3NQN bandpass filters, Pentium desktop on Ethernet network, Bencher paddle, Heil Proset
Station 2: FT-1000 Mark V Field,
Ten-Tec Titan II linear, Bencher paddle, Heil proset, IBM Pentium desktop on Ethernet network
Station 3: Omni VI
(computer controlled),
Amp Supply LK-800 linear, Bencher paddle, Heil proset, Pentium desktop on Ethernet network
Station 4: TS-930, Alpha 76 linear, Compaq Pentium desktop on Ethernet with flat screen monitor;
Bencher paddle, IC-505 6 meter all mode transceiver

Internet: Available on Pentium at Stations # 1 and # 3.

2 Meter FM: Yaesu FT-211 RH FM rig and Ringo Ranger at about 20 feet.

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PJ2T Run Station Filter Panel and Coax Entry Bulkheads



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PJ2T US/JA Tower - 80 ft Rohn 45 - October 2001
(Photo by KU8E)

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The PJ2T Europe Tower - 100 ft of Rohn 55
(Photo by G3XSV)

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Photo by NW0L -- Beer by Amstel

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