Caribbean Contesting Consortium

WintelnetX Startup Instructions

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Purpose: WintelnetX is the program by K1TTT that (among other things) pulls packet spots from an Internet dialup and places them into the CT network. The spots appear in the Alt-A announce window. Thanks to WC4E for working out this procedure painstakingly for CQWW SSB 2001.

WintelnetX Version 4
(D:\WintelnetX409 on Computer # 1)

Telnet to N3RA


Telnet Host:
Port: 23
Name: Tel
IsTNC: False
Stream: | A
Buffer: 32000
KeepAlive: 0
Port Data Type: Cluster User
MyCall: INET

Name: CON
IsTNC: False
Stream | A
Buffer: 32000
KeepAlive: 0
Port Data: Command
MyCall: MyCall
Hops: 99   Dupes 0

Port: COM2
Baud: 9600
Bits: 8
Parity: None
StopBit: 1
Flow: XOn/XOff

General Port Setup
Name: COM
IsTNC: False
StreamSW:        (both fields blank)
Buffer: 32000
KeepAlive: 0
Port Data Type: Direct
MyCall: MyCall AntiLoopRX <
Hops: 99   Dupes 0
CR/LF  1

Station 1

comtsr1 CT setup com1 19200 network

Station 2

comtsr1 CT setup com1 19200 network

Station 3

comtsr1, comtsr2 CT setup com 1 19200 network com2 9600 TNC

Station 4

comtsr1 CT setup com1 19200 network