Parts in Reserve:
In "Ham IV/T2X Rotor Parts Box:
1 female (cable end) quick disconnect plug
Mast bracket and U bolts, in good condition
Miscellaneous hardware and one gear ring
Ham IV/T2X motor start capacitor P/N 5151501 (3 each)
Ham IV/T2X 500 ohm potentiometer, P/N 5023100 (2 each)
1/8 amp 3AG fuses, (10 each)
One set quick-disconnect plugs, male/female
Returned to the U.S. to swap with N8NR, September 2003:
Formerly CCC Rotor Control Box 1: CL-33
tribander: CDE Model Ham IV - CD-45-II, donated by K8MFO.
Formerly CCC Rotor Control Box 3: 12/17 Yagi: Hy-Gain Tailtwister Control, Series 87226,
(black face).
Formerly CCC Rotor Control Box 4: Hy-Gain Tailtwister Control, Series 89118, donated by N8BJQ, Labeled
"CCC Rotor Control Box 4." (black face),
tested good 11 July 2003.
Click here to view the Rotors Wiring Master diagrams for PJ2T.
Maintenance Notes -- 19July 2003
PJ2T standard rotor wiring is 8 wire from Hy-Gain control box to female quick-disconnect on rotor body.
40 meter control box wiring is:
1 Red
2 Blk
3 Yel
4 Grn
5 Blu
6 Wht
7 Org
8 Brn.
CL-33 rotor control box wiring is:
1 Blk
2 Red
3 Blu
4 Yel
5 Wht
6 Brn
7 Grn
8 Org.
WARC control box wiring is:
1 Wht
2 Blk
3 Yel
4 Grn
5 Blu
6 Red
7 Org
8 Grey.
Cable to the 40 rotor is direct to the quick disconnect.
Cable to WARC rotor is to spade lugs. This rotor cannot accept a quick disconnect because there
is no hole in the special aluminum rotor plate. Thus we need to make a cable from the spade lugs at the
rotor to a male quick-disconnect, then
we can connect a quick disconnect in line. This should be standard wiring.
Cable to the CL-33 rotor is to a barrier terminal strip art top of tower and then a 3 foot cable to a quick disconnect. This
terminal strip cross-wires the wires.
Need to Obtain:
1 more Ham IV rotor for WARC backup.
2 male quick disconnects for WARC pigtail (in service and backup).
Need to Do:
Put female quick disconnect on CL-33 rotor and remove the barrier terminal strip.
Make the pigtail for WARC.
Get another WARC rotor.
20 Mar 2019
CATS reports T2X from Europe
tower was very corroded in and out and had to soak the stuck brake, but all OK
now, shipping to Cindy.