Here's Steve, N8LGP,
removing pieces of his homebrew 3el 15 meter yagi from
the airline tube (by his right foot). The whole antenna
fit neatly in a short piece of 4 inch diameter PVC,
complete with handles and a padlock! |
Steve's assembly of the 15
meter yagi continues. (The Mosley Pro-67 is visible at
the top right.) |
Doug (K4LT) and Steve
(N8LGP) begin the trek down to the installation site with
the 15 yagi. This antenna made over 1900 QSOs, more than
any other antenna in the station...! |
Here's the 15 yagi at the
END of the hike through the woods, being prepared for
installation by Dan (K8RF). Noel (W9EFL) is visible at
the left. |
This unfinished house
provided a perfect spot to erect the 30 foot Rohn 25
tower. Mounted in the top of the tower is a 40 foot
telescoping mast, which is still nested down in this
photo. The 15 meter yagi was side-mounted about 15 feet
below the top of the tower. The mast and this tower were
part of the equipment that was sealifted from the states.
Dan (K8RF) atop the 30 foot
tower preparing to telescope the 40 foot mast. Dan was
one of the ops at VK9LX last fall. |
K8RF completing the
telescoping of the mast. He obviously raised the entire
40 foot mast single-handed -- a feat not known to normal
mortals. The 80 meter delta loop is clearly visible at
the top of the mast. |
A great view of the Mosley
Pro-67, which we used for the pathetic 10 meter openings.
The offshore reef is clearly visible in the distance,
where the color of the water changes from very beautiful
to very-very beautiful. |