Caribbean Contesting Consortium

CCC Members

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August 31, 2002: CCC President Tom, W8TK with Jeff, K8ND and Geoff, W0CG. This was a quick meeting in Columbus at a "Steak and Shake" to swap equipment. Geoff has the Omni VI which W8TK provided for PJ2T. K8ND will soup it up for 160 and then take it to the station for CQWW CW in November.

October 22, 2002: Steve, N8BJQ (left) and Ron, K8NZ in Ron's driveway in Mentor, Ohio, loaded and ready for the run to the airport at 4 AM for the CQWW SSB 2002 trip. Included in the cases in the van are an FT-1000MP and an Alpha 76 for the station. Click here for a larger version.
N8BJQ at his home QTH, 29 August, 2003.