Notes on Zilko TS-940
Bought used for $800 by W0CG from Zilko on Wooster, February 2002. Worked perfectly.
February 2002
Piexx serial interface board installed by W8AV.
March 2002
Failed in use by W0CG -- drifts badly in transmit. Removed Piexx board but problem remained.
November 2002
Works OK below about 40 watts output -- satisfactory for driving some of the amps, such as LK-800 and Titan II. W4PA reports that all early Kenwoods have a problem with failing in this way in heat because Kenwood used the wrong potting compound for soldering the boards.
XCVR left in place at the station in hope of repairing by resoldering boards. Also try removing the auto antenna tuner, which seems associated with the problem. (Move this tuner to the W8TK TS-940 so that it can work with the K8NZ linear.)
December 11 2007
Works 100% fine in operational test.
February 21 2011
K8LEE made QSOs successfully. All is OK except power output is only 50 watts.