Notes on PC 6

7 Sept 2005

Removed 7 Sept 2005 from service at Station # 2. Sends Morse "W" at startup - powers on automatically when plugged into AC. Retired as parts source for PC 22 and PC 14 

12 November 2005

Troubleshooting showed system to be 100% functional when a known good power supply was swapped in. Stored in closet awaiting a replacement power supply.

2 February 2006

Swapped in one of the four new power supplies that I (W0CG) transported. Booted OK to safe mode but hung up with no video and a flashing dash in top left corner of the screen. Tried lowering definition to 640 x 480. This triggered install of the driver for monitor at Station # 4. Reset screen definition and machine started OK. Video went crazy after running for two hours -- swapped in video card from PC21 and started OK. No floppy drive in this machine -- could not find the mounting frame. (It may have been thrown out with the bad drive in November.) BJC-2110 printer is installed on this machine. Final status of PC6: Operational.

11 February 2009

Tested system. Starts slowly, but OK. CD ROM drive inop. Installed WL 10.69. Deleted unneeded desktop shortcuts amd removed unneeded programs. Set gateway to Set DNS to Installed and tested Tardis successfully. WL works. Internet access and Telnet work.

15 February 2011

Placed in service at Station 3. Seems OK. Needs WL upgrade and Winkeyer drivers. Installed upgrade and Winkeyer drovers on 17 February. Also isolated and replaced bad LPT1 keying adapter. All seems OK now. Winkeyer comes up as COM5 on this machine.

20 February 2011

Winkey keying stopped working during ARRL CW. Could not get LPT1 keying to work reliably either. Needs to be further evaluated.

7 March 2011

K6AM tested all and system works perfectly. Left it at 10.69D.

21 October 2011

Would not boot. Makes a continuous audible tone when boot is attempted.

7 February 2014

Seems to start but no video. Removed video card and junked this date.