Notes on PC37
Fujitsu Esprimo Q9000
Model MPC-D1007
SN YL3V017533
Product Key CR4X3-KB72T-FKGKT-HJ2CR-9Y36M
Intel Core i3 M 350 2.27 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 300 GB drive
Windows 7 Pro SP1
Click here for technical notes.
16 December 2013
Gift to PJ2T from SM4KYN
2 February 2014
Starts normally but shuts itself off abruptly after about 7 minutes. Suspect overheating. After much experimentation and opening the case, verified that the fan works correctly, but after between 7 minutes and about 40 minutes it overheats and shuts down. Installed Keyspan, Winkey, Writelog, and Homegroup software. Need to investigate how to get the fan to run at a higher speed.
3 February 2014
I found a setting in the BIOS for "Intelligent Fan Speed Control" and changed it from the default to "Disabled." Now the fan runs continuously at a high speed. System seems 100% fine now.
14 March 2017
Installed N1MM+ Firefox and returned PC to storage.