Notes on PC 26
May 2009
Bought at Hamvention flea market by W0CG. Tested good with XP Professional May 26 by W8AV.
October 2009
K8ND can not get system to boot. System remains at Jeff's QTH.
January 2010
Hard drive replaced with 80 GB drive by K8ND. System boots. PJ2T software installed by K8ND. Transferred to K8LEE to transport to Curacao in March 2010 and to resolve user prompt problem on bootup.
10 June 2011
Would not boot - trapped in a startup / bootup loop, per K8LEE. Replaced with PC32 and all is working. He found one bad memory stick and it boots OK with that stick removed. Wayne added a second memory stick out of the Hoogstratten parts computer. All works fine now. He re-installed it at Station 2.
7 February 2014
Seems to try to boot but no video. Stowed in closet for spares of possible repair.
23 November 2017
Retired to building across the street by N7IR and KB7Q.