Notes on
Elecraft K3 (2) SN 8714
December 2014
50% of cost donated to CCC as
a challenge grant. Bought and assembled by KB7Q in Bozeman. Click
here for invoice.
9 January 2015
Transferred to W0CG by Fed Ex
Ground from Bozeman.
25 January 2015
Transported to Curacao by
8 February 2015
New K3 placed in service at
Station 2 by W0CG. First QSOs were made on 15 CW.
Downloaded the K3 Utility at
Station 2. KB7Q firmware was 5.01, ahead of the 4.86 currect release, so I did
not change it.
K3 Configuration is saved at
My Documents/...K3Config and at C:/Users/PJ2T/AppData/Roaming/Elecraft/K3
Elecraft K3 Utility is in
c:/Program Files (x86)/Elecraft/K3 Utility/K3Util.exe
31 March 2015
Moved into Pelican case from
Station 2 prior to WPX SSB 2015 contest. Working fine at that time.
25 November 2016
N0YY installed at Station 5 in
a rush before contest with no low pass filter in line. Front end was blown out
by 20 meter backfeed. W8WTS hand carrying to Ohio 29 Nov 2016 in its Pelican
case, then will forward to N7IR by Fed Ex. N7IR will repair and install
synthesizer board (donation) and then ship to WTS who will bring it back to the
island in late January.
22 December 2016
K3 reported repaired by N7IR,
as per message below:
I replaced the two damaged PIN diode pairs, D5 in the KXV3 and D25 on the
RF Board, and K3 #8741 resumed regular operation. I checked all of the other
parts in the RX path that could have been damaged and they are all good. As I
think I mentioned to some of you, D5 caught fire! When I removed it the
plastic package was mostly ash. I took photos to document the damage.
We were lucky that nothing else was damaged since most of the remaining
parts are much more expensive. These two diode pairs were less than $0.30
each in the quantity that I bought. I have plenty of spares of both types.
I will now order the KSYN3A and the associated upgrade kit to bring this K3
more up to date. When the upgrades arrive I’ll install those and the KAT3
that Gene sent down. ETA back to Jim about mid-January, depending on Elecraft
parts shipping time.
W8WTS plans to return the
radio to Signal Point in late January.
4 January 2017 Message from
From: Gary Hembree <>
To: "Jim Galm (W8WTS)" < ...snip... W0CG)" <>
Subject: K3 SN 8714 repair update |
Last week I installed the new KSYN3A synth board that I bought, and the
associated KPAIO3MDKT modification kit, along with the used KAT3 that
Gene donated. Everything worked correctly on all bands except 20
meters, where the tuner could not find a match into a dummy load. After
much thinking, testing and some correspondence with Elecraft K3 customer
support (which was minimally useful), I concluded that the 30/20 meter
band pass filter had not been aligned correctly when the RF board was
originally built and tested by Elecraft in 2014. The attached jpeg
graph shows the frequency dependence of the transmit gain parameters
across the 20 meter band. Since the automated TX gain calibration run
by the Elecraft K3 utility uses a single 20 meter frequency, 14200 kHz,
then the resulting power output in the CW portion of the band was not
enough to run the KAT3. Yesterday I realigned the 30/20 meter band pass
filter and K3 SN 8714 is now running up to spec on all bands.
I did one other modification that should be noted in the club
documents for this K3. I drilled out the threads of the long hole on
the 2D fastener mounted on the upper right rear of the radio. This
modification allows the right side panel to be removed and replaced
without removing any hardware from the KAT3. I will send a copy of the
modification instruction sheet with the K3.
I printed and attached a new label to the top of the radio indicating
the correct serial number and all of the options installed.
Should I keep the old parts, the KANT and KSYN3 boards, that I
removed from this K3 or should I include them when I return it to Jim?
I will send the instruction sheets from the upgrades in any case.
Jim, please let me know the address you want FedEx to ship it to.
Gary, N7IR
17 August 2022
This will become the permanent
Remote Station transceiver after N7IR swaps in the KIO3 USB board from K3(4) on
site in November.