Notes on W8TK FT-1000 MP
SN 8N370177
Bought November 2008 by K8ND from EBay seller, new in box. Shipped to W0CG for evaluation. All works perfectly.
10 September 2010
Transported to Curacao by W0CG. No duty was charged.
20 September 2010
Placed in a fresh Ziploc bag with desiccant in the EBR closet.
5 March 2013
K8LEE and K6AM performed XCVR triage of all radios. Found that this XCVR is slightly down in RX sensitivity on 40. All else is 100% good. Put back in storage in a new bag.
19 November 2014
Brought out to test at Station 5 and main display went dark after about 30 minutes turned on. Put back in closet as is. Needs attention. See repair notes from FT-1000 (3) on how to bypass the thermal fuse on the inverter board.
27 October 2016
Brought out of closet. Display would not come on.
6 December 2016
Still no display. I wired across the thermal fuse on the power supply board for the display and that worked, but in reassembling it I took a shock from that board and probably blew the FET on the board. So as a workaround I took the display power supply board out of FT-1000 (3), which has a bad RX and is gg back to the States, and swapped it into (7). The red/black plugs were not compatible so I soldered those lines directly to the board. Works perfectly, but after about 10 minutes display failed again. I give up.