Notes on 6 Meter Yagi
23 January 2011
W0CG removed from top of US/JA tower. Yagi modified by W8WTS per W5WVO specifications. Used for 27 January EME QSO with W7GJ, believed the first from Curacao.
30 January 2011
Enhanced yagi reinstalled on US/JA tower by W8WTS and W0CG.
9 December 2015
At bulkhead with MFJ, 1:1 at 51.3 MHz. At 50.0 it is 2.4:1. At 52.3 it is 3:1.
17 November 2016
Checked SWR at bulkhead and see that same 1.2:1.0 at about 51.3. There is nothing wrong with this antenna. W0CG traced SWR with the MFJ-259 today and realized the problem is the low pass filters at each station. Easy to manually bypass the filters at Stations 4 and 5.