Notes on CCC Rotor 7
May 2002
This was donated by W8TK and rebuilt at CATS with quick disconnect.
2 March 2012
Installed on US/JA tower by W0CG. Used Anti-Seize on bottom bolts. Operates perfectly.
24 October 2014
Rotor was OK but removed this date by W0CG in an attempt to get more torque to overcome the sticking bearing. Rotor is in storage on closet shelf. No need to return for rebuild: it works perfectly.
25 November 2016
Tested this rotor on the pigtail using the VERONA control box and worked perfectly. Put back in inventory on top shelf West Bedroom.
20 February 2020
Tests OK by W0CG, full rotation, returned to inventory on WBR top shelf. Has weathered exterior, therefore has not recently been rebuilt.