Notes on CCC Rotor 6
This rotor was donated by N8ME to Jeff, K8ND, in Columbus in July 2003. Has terminal strip and no quick disconnect.
July 2003
Sent to CATS for rebuild but NOT for quick-disconnect. This will be the backup rotor for the WARC tower.
Transported to Curacao 8 October 2003 by W9EFL.
November 2003
Placed in service on WARC tower late November 2003. Direction indication is jumpy during rotation but works OK when at rest.
13 February 2020
Removed from service on WARC tower. Would not rotate. Has screw terminal strip and phenolic spacers on the bottom.
21 February 2020
Taken to Idaho with Dorothy for subsequent shipment to CATS
30 March 2020
Shipped from Idaho to CATS Kentucky for rebuild. Craig will ship it to 1984 Trares Road.
15 September 2021
Rebuillt rotor packed at W0CG for October 2021 ocean shipment.
19 October 2021
Arrived at PJ2T and inventoried and stored on WBR top shelf left.