PJ2T Draft Operating Schedule

CQWW CW 2004

Time Run Station 2 Run Station 1 Mults
00-02  N8BJQ 15 -> 40 W4PA 20 W0CG 40 -> 15
02-04 N5OT/N6AN 40  W4PA 20 -> 80 N8BJQ 80 -> 20
04-06 N5OT/N6AN 40  K8ND 20/80/160 W0NB
06-08 S50R 40/20  K8ND/W8WTS 80/160 (Eur dawn) W4PA
08-10 W0CG 20/40  K8ND/W8WTS 20/80/160 Volunteer ?
10-12 S50R 40 -> 10 (local dawn) K8ND/W8WTS 80 -> 15 W0CG
12-14 S50R 10 N5OT/N6AN 15 N8BJQ
14-16 N8BJQ 10 W0NB 15 N5OT/N6AN
16-18 N5OT/N6AN 10 W4PA 15 S50R
18-20 N8BJQ 10 N5OT/N6AN 15 W4PA
20-22  K8ND/W8WTS 15 W0NB 20 N8BJQ
22-24   W0NB 15 W4PA 20 (local sunset) N8BJQ (10 Pac)


1. N5OT and N6AN know each other well and will work together or separately on negotiated split shifts any way they want to set it up. The same thing applies to K8ND and W8WTS. 

2. N8BJQ will be the Multmeister. He is highly knowledgeable about the rules and the nuances of using Writelog while chasing mults. Steve will train the rest of us on PJ2T mult chasing. Multipliers will win or lose CQWW.  

3. Times on bands are approximations. Notation like "15 -> 40" means that, at the op's discretion, the run band will change from 15 to 40 sometime in the period.